Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Adventures in HEB Shopping

Last week, Andy left town to run his 55th marathon in Florida. (Why yes, he IS crazy.) When he’s away, I like to take the opportunity to eat a ton of junk food, stay up way too late, and watch bad movies. In other words, I pretend I’m 12 again.

So, in preparation for the weekend alone with the kiddo, I hit up HEB on my way home and had quite a good time in just 10 minutes. Allow me to document the events:

5:28 p.m. – Arrive at HEB, and make a beeline to the frozen foods section, where 99 percent of my bad decisions take place.

5:29 p.m. – Grab a cheese pizza, which was on sale – proof that I am responsible. Shuffle over to the ice cream section on the same aisle (good thinking, HEB!) and grab some salted caramel Greek frozen yogurt, which still baffles me as a concept. Shouldn’t Greek frozen yogurt stick to the core flavors at the risk of ruining the taste of the really yummy ones?

5:31 p.m. – Power-walk to the back of the store (getting my cardio in for the day!) where I grab a FAMILY SIZE container of macaroni and cheese WHICH I WILL EAT ALL BY MYSELF (#goals).

5:32 p.m. – Add some fancy cheese to my basket because I am fancy girl and a bottle of Malbec because I am also cultured. (Again, nice product placement, HEB. Everything is located in a very logical place around here.)

5:34 p.m. – Head to the cereal aisle to get my favorite cereal of all time, Cap’n Crunch’s Peanut Butter Crunch, where the following conversation takes place:

Man: Geez, are there enough sugary cereal options or what!?
Me: Oh, I know! It’s so overwhelming!
Man: In my day, we stuck to the basics and there weren’t so many terrible options! But my kids love all this gross stuff! [grabs a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch]
Me: Yeah… Ha, mine too… [grab my box of Peanut Butter Crunch]

5:36 p.m. Run out of the aisle quickly, shamefaced, and vowing to never ever let Walter eat like me. I make my way to the medicine aisle to grab Claritin – and by Claritin, I mean the generic HEB kind (because not only do I care about my budget, I CARE DEEPLY ABOUT MY HEALTH).

5:38 p.m. – Realizing I forgot a bag*, I attempt to carry all my goods out of the store using just my hands. I assume I look like a very greedy – but very slow – thief.

In closing, I’d like to wonder aloud why I’m not losing as much weight as I should be on my Weight Watchers plan?

*Stores no longer supply plastic grocery bags within Austin city limits.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hello, 2016! It’s time for my annual new year’s resolution post, which makes up approximately 25 percent of my total blog content each year. I’m so proud.

Last year, I talked about making progress in a few different aspects of my life, and as I reflect back on 2015, I’m comfortable saying I was mildly successful. While there were some areas that I feel lacked major attention (hello, dieting and exercising!), I think focusing on progress allowed me to ease up on the extremity I normally place on myself when it comes to goals. Typically, I follow a “go big or go home” ideology. My goals typically look like, “Wake up every day at 5:00 a.m. for an hour-long intense meditation!” instead of “Develop a morning routine that feels good and encourages productivity.” My focus on progress allowed me to be kinder to myself about the approaches I took toward self-enhancement.

In a similar vein, this year, I’m focusing on balance. The internal, emotional, psychological kind. (Anyone who has seen me exit a car, carry more than two bags of groceries, or walk across a room knows I don’t possess physical balance whatsoever.) I’d like to live this year with a mindful -– yet guilt-free –- approach to my home life, personal life, work life, and health life, embracing the opportunities I get in the moment to improve each one.

Cheers to the new year! And now, for no good reason, here’s a few photos from the holiday season!

[After Walter's holiday show at daycare.
No, he didn't just stuff 100 Christmas cookies in his mouth. That's just natural chub. Jealous?]

[The dudes on Christmas Eve.]

[I found Papa Elf!]

[A rare shot of all three of us.]