Friday, January 13, 2017

The Winter 10x10 Challenge

I have been living with a capsule wardrobe for about a year and a half (pretty much ever since I went back to work after having Walter), and I can’t sing its praises enough. There are several different ways to approach capsule wardrobes, but the gist is you divide your wardrobe into capsules (I have four, for example), and when you take one capsule out and hang all the clothes from it in your closet, you put all the others away. You only dress from the current capsule, and when you are ready to replace it with the next capsule, that’s also the time you edit down your wardrobe (i.e. get rid of things you never wore) or make minor additions to it. Capsuling is great to curb mindless spending and become intentional with your wardrobe budget, get creative with the clothes you already have, and appreciate your wardrobe by loving every piece in your capsule.

Because capsuling is so focused on quality over quantity, I admit I work with fewer clothes in each of my capsules, but the ones I do have are ones that I love. They make me feel comfortable and great about this new post-baby mom bod I’m sporting.

With the start of the new year, I thought it would be fun to participate in an online challenge called #winter10x10, which essentially encourages participants to create a mini 10-piece capsule (including shoes) from which you select all your outfits for 10 consecutive days. This challenge is co-led by the blogger who firstintroduced me to capsule wardrobes, Caroline of Un-Fancy. (That last sentence makes it sound like I *know* Caroline, so to clear up any confusion, I don’t know her personally. I just stalk follow her like I would any fashion blogger, OK? I’m not a monster.)  

I’ll divide my 10 outfits into two separate blog posts to come within the next week or so, but for now, here’s a photo of all 10 pieces side by side, so you can see the types of clothing I chose for this challenge. Unintentionally, there is quite a bit of color going on here. That may end up being a great idea or a terrible one! You’ll just have to wait and see! I'm drunk with power (...and pinot noir, if I'm being honest).

From left to right: Three tops, two pairs of shoes, three pants, a knit dress and a heavy sleeveless long cardigan.

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